Early Childhood Education and Care Department Advisory Council
January 23, 2023
9- 11 a.m.
Zoom and In-person

Public Comment:

Individuals are invited to provide oral or written public comment at regular and special meetings of the Council. The Council will hear comment from the public pertaining to topics related to any agenda items. Members of the public must register prior to the start of the meeting if they wish to address the Council. Individuals are limited to three minutes each.

An individual may provide written or verbal comments to the Council, in which case notification must be provided by the individual to shay.everitt@ececd.nm.gov. The request must contain your name, the organization you are representing or if you are speaking as a private citizen, your direct phone number, and whether you are joining virtually or in-person.

View agenda (PDF). 

Location Details:

In-person: Toney Anaya Bldg. – Rio Grande Room, 2550 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505 

Virtual: nmececdorg.zoom.us/j/86061356738?pwd=blFnQVhNSHd0MjF0VDRkNDJ5T2duUT09

 Meeting ID: 860 6135 6738

Passcode: 563635