Press Release

January 25, 2023


Jessica Preston
PR Specialist

Mobile: (505) 699-5937
1120 Paseo De Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Santa Fe, NM – On Thursday, January 26 the Early Childhood Education & Care Department (ECECD) premiered The Early Show with Alax, a playful, informative online series for families with young children. The show’s host, Alax, is a live-action Galactic character from another solar system who wants to learn the important elements of caring for “little humans” without judgment or prior caregiving knowledge. The show uses lighthearted humor to educate adults about healthy growth and development, answering the questions they may be apprehensive about asking. 
“How do I create a safe sleep environment for my infant? How do I know if my child is developing as expected? What are some strategies for dealing with big feelings? In the first season of the Early Show with Alax, these questions are answered with an approach that is playful, accessible, and happy.” said ECECD Cabinet Secretary Elizabeth Groginsky. “We want to reach families in fun and creative ways that their little ones will also enjoy.”
In short 3-5 minute episodes (produced in English and dubbed in Spanish), Alax and guests cover common questions—big and small—and share the programs, resources, and information available to help families. The pilot season of The Early Show with Alax will consist of four episodes, released monthly through April 2023. 

  • Sleep – Home visitor Lily shares tools to help babies sleep safe and sound
  • Feelings – Pre-K teacher Amy talks emotions and how to manage the big ones
  • Growing – Researcher Hailey and FIT provider Mi’raj cover how to support healthy growth and development for little ones
  • Play – Occupational Therapist Lindsey explores the power of play in our everyday lives

“The Early Show with Alax is an education tool for New Mexico families designed to build awareness around the free early childhood programs and services offered through the State and share well-researched and expert-backed strategies for families with young children,” said Lois Vermilya, Director of the UNM Family Development Program. “Early childhood research shows that children learn through play and now we have a fun-filled show with Alax that captures that joy of learning for the entire family. Alax will get to meet many early childhood professionals and families who will spark curiosity and wonder. New Mexicans can learn right alongside Alax about what makes the early years so important!” 

Watch the first episode here
The new show is a part of Moments Together, ECECD’s inaugural public campaign that connects parents and caregivers with useful resources, information, and programs. The Moments Together campaign has previously received international acclaim for its creativity and effectiveness.
In partnership with ECECD, The Early Show with Alax is produced by an award-winning creative team composed of MediaDesk and Film Nest Studios. Santa Fe-based puppeteer Devon Hawkes Ludlow performs Alax. 

A livestream recording of the first episode premiere press conference is available on the NM ECECD Facebook page:

For more information visit:



Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham launched the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) in 2020, making New Mexico among the first states to consolidate all early childhood programs and services under a single cabinet-level agency. Under this administration, ECECD has led the nation by expanding access to free New Mexico PreK, overseeing the largest investment in early childhood infrastructure in state history, and implementing cost-free child care for a majority of New Mexico families. Learn more about how ECECD supports children, families, and the early childhood professionals that serve our communities at On Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as @NewMexicoECECD.