FIT Families

If you or your child’s Doctor, childcare, or other provider are concerned about your child’s development you can make a referral the Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program. If you contact the local FIT Provider agency in your county, they will set up a time to meet with you and then to complete a developmental evaluation for your child. Please see the FIT Providers list below for a current index of provider agencies. You will play an important part in your child’s evaluation. Evaluation team members will talk to you about your child’s strengths and needs and will ask you to be involved in the assessment activities.
Essential Information
The following information is integral to this program.
Early Intervention
If your child is determined to be eligible for early intervention services, your service coordinator will meet with you and the other team members to develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). The IFSP will list the functional outcomes (goals) and strategies you and the team will carry out to support your child’s development. The IFSP will also include the person on your team who will be the lead early intervention staff and the other team members who will help meet the chosen functional outcomes.
Early intervention team members will provide you with ideas and strategies to promote your child’s development within everyday activities and routines (such as mealtime, playtime, bath time, etc.), as well as within the places that you and your child typically spend your day. This means that early intervention services are often provided within the home and at times when these activities are naturally occurring, but also means they can be provided in the community or also at child care / Early Head Start, if that where your child is during the day. The early intervention staff work as a professional coach to you, other family members and other caregivers to promote your child’s development.
The following documents explain parents’ rights in the FIT Program:
If you have concerns about the early intervention services that you receive, please call 1-877-696-1472 and ask to speak to one of the FIT Program staff.
Support and Training
You can contact one of the following agencies that provide family support and training to parents within the FIT Program.
- Parents Reaching Out
1-800-524-5176 - Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs (EPICS)
Funding for early intervention services are provided through the FIT Program at no cost to families. The FIT Program bills Medicaid and private insurance with the agreement of the parent. A law passed in 2005 requires that all health insurance plans cover up to $3,500 per year in FIT services. The FIT Program does not charge copays or deductibles.
FIT Referrals Webpage
View FIT Referrals.
FIT Family Handbook
Your FIT Family Handbook will be your family’s guide to the Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program and the early intervention system.
It will help you put the pieces of the early intervention puzzle together — pieces that can, at first, seem confusing.
You will learn about how supports and services can meet your child’s and family’s needs and about your rights within the FIT Program.